RESTRICTIONS: ALL VISITORS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR A MASK OR FACE COVER TO ENTER. Please Do Not Visit if you feel unwell (cough, stuffy nose, fever, sore throat)
X-RAY SERVICES ARE WALK-IN ONLY (No appointment is required)


What to expect at your Mammogram appointment.

Breast cancer is amongst the most typical types of cancer, and it has been causing deaths to thousands of people yearly. Luckily, if it can be treated if detected early. The best way to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of breast cancer is undergoing breast cancer screening from time to time.

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This screening is known as mammography, and it utilizes a low-dose of x-ray to detect cancerous growth that may be too small for the doctor to detect. It is worth noting that you don’t have to be showing breast cancer symptoms to undergo mammography.

Screening mammography

It is safe, fast, assuring, and anyone can undergo the screening. Getting screened for breast cancer gives one peace of mind if negative, and if positive, the treatment can start as early as possible. The earlier it starts, the higher the chances of defeating cancer.

Diagnostic mammography

Don’t wait until it is too late, make it your decision to undergo mammography after every year, especially if you are 40+ years old. The exam duration is about one hour, so you will not need to spend the whole day in the hospital.

Symptoms & Diagnosis

At Rockland Imaging, we have over 30 years of experience in radiology services, and we assure you exceptional services. Our appliances are of the latest technology, and our services come at an affordable price. Let our doctors help you call us now!